Welcome to HealthBIO 2020 event in November!

HealthBIO 2020 Seminar and Get together, 3 November
Conference Center Mauno, BioCity, Tykistökatu 6

The HealthBIO 2020 Seminar programme offers insights into industry trends, hosts international speakers exploring the Japanese life-science market, as well as presents pharma and medtech perspective on innovation commercialization. The seminar day ends with a joint get together event at 19.00-23.00.

HealthBIO 2020 Partnering day and Pitching competition, 4 November

SparkUp, Tykistökatu 4, 20520 Turku, Finland

The HealthBIO 2020 Partnering Day and Pitching Competition will be hosted by Finnish Bioindustries (FIB). The partnering day programme includes a Business Finland Funding and Internationalization Services Info Session, and a presentation on intellectual property rights (IPR) by Kolster Ltd.
Partnering arrangements are coordinated by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Apply for the pitching competition by sending a short abstract of your 5 min presentation to tero.piispanen@turkubusinessregion.com by 30 September 2020. The best presentation will be rewarded with a free entry to Nordic Life Science Days 2021.

Registration links for both days will open in August.

Sponsor packages available– if you are interested in sponsoring opportunities, please contact Merja Tieaho, merja.tieaho@turkubusinessregion.com