Private and public health insurers play a significant role in the DACH area health care sector. The insurance funds and private insurance companies need to find a balance between all interest groups in the field, like authorities, financiers, patients, doctors and other health service providers. Every country has a unique way of organizing and providing affordable health services for citizens.
Business Finland’s Smart Life Finland program is inviting Finnish health technology companies to a webinar on health insurance system in Germany and Switzerland. Join us for this webinar to learn about German and Swiss health insurance system and the roles of different interest groups in the field.
This webinar is run in collaboration with Michael Wagener, Brain4Healthcare, Carsten Schmid, Digital Health Port in Germany and Pekka Niskanen, Fennobiz in Switzerland. REGISTER HERE.
- Finnish health technology companies
- Finnish diagnostics companies
- Finnish health ICT & data companies
14:00 Welcome Remarks
14:05 Insight to Health insurance market in Germany and in Switzerland
- The healthcare and social security structure
- The health insurance system
- Health insurance market & case examples of the providers
- Decision making process in health insurance companies
- Opportunities for Finnish solution providers
- What you need to know/have to know for market entry
- Q&A
15:10-15:15 Closing Remarks
After the webinar, the material is available for Finnish companies by contacting Sanna Sipilä-Axnix (sanna.sipilä-axnix (at)