Orion’s Innovation Call

Innovestor and Orion are looking for startup and scaleup companies that develop innovative solutions for further drug discovery and development.

We are especially looking for new, promising medical solutions in the following areas:

  • Oncology
  • Neuropathic pain and other chronic pain conditions
  • Rare neurological disorders
  • Rare epilepsies

1-4 companies will be chosen to meet and discuss future collaboration with Orion. For these companies, the discussions can open access to, for example, Orion’s networks, know-how, R&D resources, and commercialization possibilities. Orion’s team is committed to bringing their know-how about drug discovery and development and processes to achieve concrete mutual results.

“We are looking for new treatments for unmet needs of the patients, to strengthen our drug discovery and development activities by finding new partners with high-level expertise. With our vast R&D know-how, we want to help your company bring your solution to the next level.”

Antti Haapalinna, Vice President, External Science & Partnering and R&D, Orion

Sounds interesting? Send your company information to katri.rutanen(a)innovestor.fi.

For more information, please contact: Katri Rutanen, Service Manager, Corporate Venturing, Innovestor: katri.rutanen(a)innovestor.fi