BioTreffit & Health Tuesday 7.1.2020

Web cast program with the theme – Innovative Public Procurement in Healthcare 

Where: Silo, SparkUp in ElectroCity,Tykistökatu 4 B, Turku When:  7.1.2020 7:45~9:00 How: Register here. The regitration is open until 20.12.2019

8.00 Opening Words, Kari Klossner, Program Manager, Business Finland 8.05 Innovative procurement, why and how, Piia Moilanen, Chief Advisor, Business Finland
8.15 ACES (Automation in Care and Evaluation of System) fostering sustainable health care Anja Tuulonen, Professor, Chief Physician, ACES Project Leader, Tays Eye Centre
8.30 Challenge to sell/purchase cloud based AI products (in Finnish radiotherapy)   Jarkko Niemelä, Chief Product Officer, MVision AI Oy       8:45 Discussion and networking This time there is no local business presentation

You can forward the invitation to relevant persons. The event offer you an excellent opportunity to discuss with professionals of health, wellbeing and health tech companies, decision makers, and representatives of the public sector.  

The breakfast event is organised by Turku Science Park Ltd, is free of charge but requires registration. For more info please contact