Biomarker Commercialization Webinar 22.9.2020 – Launching the Support Tool for Biomarker Commercialization

September 22, 2020, at 13:00-14:30 CET

The BIC Biomarker Commercialization consortium is organizing a free webinar on how to commercialize your biomarker discovery, the final webinar of a series focusing on biomarker commercialization process.

In this final webinar we will be launching the Biomarker Commercialization Guide, a support tool for biomarker commercialization.

Please register here to the Webinar programme:

13:00-14:00 CET                Launching the Support Tool for Biomarker Commercialization,

Valerie Daussin Laurent, Team Leader Business Development, Aalborg University Hospital, Project Leader BIC consortium         

14:00-14:30 CET                Q&A 

Moderator: Teppo Laaksonen, Network Manager, Turku Science Park Ltd

The current result of the BIC project is a support tool for commercialization: the BIC GUIDE, that guides the user through the discovery and innovative process, integrating not only technical and clinical task but also commercial and regulatory considerations. This webinar will give you a demonstration of the tool based on a concrete case.

The BIC toolset also includes a Best Practices Handbook based on experiences from TTOs in the field, a Review Tool for TTOs and a Guide for Regulatory Process. The toolset has been created in the BIC project funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, and it is available for free from

Best Regards,

BIC Biomarker Commercialization project team

The BIC consortium is a transnational cooperation composed of 8 partners in the Baltic Sea Region. The project’s budget is EUR 2.55 million and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme with EUR 1.96 million.